環境問題に関する英語 Part 5







In order to prevent illegal dumping of medical waste, a traceability verification test of medical waste is performed by the Tokyo metropolitan government, the Tokyo Medical Association, pharmaceutical industry and industrial waste management businesses, where IC tags are affixed to medical waste containers to check in real time where individual consigned medical waste is and whether or not it has been disposed of.




医療廃棄物 = medical waste


医療廃棄物の容器 = medical waste containers


不法投棄 = illegal dumping


医療廃棄物の不法投棄 = illegal dumping of medical waste


実証試験 = verification test


トレーサビリティの実証試験 = a traceability verification test


東京都医師会 = the Tokyo Medical Association


製薬業界 = pharmaceutical industry


産業廃棄物処理業 = industrial waste management businesses


「医療廃棄物の容器」の場合に「の」を訳さずに「medical waste containers」とあたかも一語であるかのようにいう場合と、「医療廃棄物の不法投棄」の場合に「illegal dumping of medical waste」とがありますね。

